Relationship review: Oldest Sister

When I wrote this draft before, I had it as a post where I was venting about how I felt. This was before the events of “Conflict multiplied.” Here is an excerpt from the draft: “My oldest sister has consistently, over the past 6-7 years, made it clear to me that the only thing that is important to her is ‘her family’. Specifically, I am not important. There was a time when she attempted to rekindle our relationship, but recently even that’s gone.”

In this post, I will discuss our relationship, share my thoughts on the situation, explore whether my feelings were valid, and discuss what to expect in the future. Let’s dive in and talk about it!

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Pet Peeves: Ignored

Imagine you’re spending time with your friends one evening and everyone is enjoying themselves. During a quiet moment in the conversation, you speak up, but no one responds. To make matters worse, someone else brings up a different topic, and your comment gets overlooked. It’s as if you were never even there. How would this make you feel?

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